There is no progress in the rush, and there are no friends in the busy. Don’t be proud that you will never have time for anything.
Is there always such a hurry that you never have time for anything? Hurry is no cause for pride.
Many live their lives in the race of the ultimate goal they’ve set for their professional life. It may be a particular income level or career, but they often forget that they may be placing their well-being at risk in pursuing those goals.
The first thing you need to do to sustain your health is to go to the doctor and get a routine checkup. It would be best to get a blood test to make sure you don’t have any diabetes or high blood pressure issues.
These tests help you judge if you need to adjust your daily life, like going on a special diet or getting a particular exercise. When life gets too hectic, sometimes you forget to do important things, such as making sure you’re eating healthy.
You know that feeling – no time to prepare a healthy meal, simply grab something. This can lead to problems – buying too much fast food due to a lack of time and causing obesity, or not eating enough and becoming underweight.
Getting some exercise is essential to everyone’s health, but do you have enough time to run to the gym and work out for an hour? Make sure you set aside time for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day.
You can even work out at home right when you wake up or right before going to bed to maintain a better life.
Lots of work in this day and age is done on the computer. Staring at a screen too much can seriously damage your eyes.
If your workplace has bright lights and you stare at your screen at full brightness, your eyes might get strained.
Give your eyes a break, even if it’s just a couple of minutes where you do something like passing a message by walking to someone’s desk or office instead of emailing them or arranging your workspace. I have to break from my computer when I’m writing, or else it strains them too much.
After a long day, it is so tempting just to head straight to bed. However, you need to make sure that you’re keeping up with your dental health twice a day.
Even if you’re in a rush, it’s not worth risking cavities to save the two minutes it takes every morning and night to brush your teeth. Take time to schedule routine cleanings, too.
Being busy can easily lead you to become stressed. While stress can cause many mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, it can also cause physical symptoms such as digestive problems.
Hurry is not progress. If you do a hundred things super-fast, you’re no more accomplished than your slower coworker: you don’t even have time to focus on what you’re doing. Besides, you are guaranteed to make mistakes.
Busy does not prioritize. You want to get everything done preferably right away, so you’re wasting on insignificance instead of focusing on the essentials.
Busy does three things at once. Your brain doesn’t like multitasking.
The busy have no boundaries. You can’t miss an email or research a work report at home – then you wouldn’t be effective! Your coworkers and friends already know that you are doing any service to anyone at any time.
Busy people are not focusing. When busy, you don’t work at full power, even if you feel efficient. You divide your attention between many small things, and in the end, you don’t focus properly on anything.
Taking care of your body inside out, from head to toe, is essential in living a better life. When you take care of your health needs, it lets you live a life of abundance and personal satisfaction.
Any minor health problem as a solo entrepreneur can be devastating if it stops you from earning money.
That’s it for me today – have a great rest of your day!