If you are like me, you have the resolution to get healthier in 2021. If you are like me, you don’t have much of a budget to achieve that goal.
I have been working on my health and fitness for a couple of years now, but seriously for the last year. I started running in May of last year and want to continue that in 2021. I have enjoyed running but still feel pretty weak, and I’d like to build muscle.
I would also like to drop off some weight, a bit quicker than before. I’ve been thinking about joining a gym when this situation we are in settles down. However, after quiet income months, it’s not in my budget to pay gym fees.
Therefore, I have had to develop some great ways to work out that won’t break the budget. Here are five ways for you to get fit, too.
1. Find free workout videos
There are many places that you can find free workout videos. There are many on YouTube. I found a great list of 30 free workout videos on YouTube that I plan to check out. If you have a subscription to HuluPlus, you can find videos on ExerciseTV (this is probably also true for NetFlix and other subscription services).
You can also find free workout videos at your local library, check out Craigslist, yard sales, and don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for videos that they may not be using.
2. Turn your gaming console into a gym.
Do your kids, partner or, yourself have a gaming console? Why not turn that into a vehicle for working out? All consoles have workout games available to use. Just this week, I tried out Zumba for the first time, along with my youngest. We had a blast working out, but I think there was more fun in the giggling that went along with messing up the moves.
You can buy workout games inexpensively at places like Amazon and at the same sites I mentioned above (Craigslist, yard sales, etc.). My favorite workouts are The Biggest Loser Challenge, Your Shape Fitness Evolved, Zumba Fitness Core, and any Wii Fit Plus workouts.
3. Make use of the outdoors.
When the weather permits, head outside to a local park, a track, or in your neighborhood. Many parks will have a fitness trail that allows you to do exercises as you are hiking along the route. This is a great way to bump up your workout. You can also head to the track at the local high school for a great walk or run. While you are there, hit those stadium steps to work out your legs.
If you are used to running outside in your neighborhood, step it up a notch by finding a big hill to challenge you and build those leg muscles.
4. Explore Pinterest.
If getting out of the house is difficult and you don’t have access to workout videos or games, check out Pinterest for some great exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home. Search “workouts” on Pinterest, and you’ll find plenty of ideas. I’ve added a few challenges to my New Years Resolution Pinterest board. I plan to complete these while I’m watching television in the evenings.
5. Use your smartphone!
You can download many apps to your smartphone that can help you lose weight and get fit. I have a few apps that motivate me to keep running (and one that allows me to earn money, more on that in a future blog post).
Using an app for workouts will save you money on a gym membership, buying videos and games, and more.
Pocket Yoga is my new favorite. It’s absolutely within the budget. I’m looking for more apps that might help me exercise at home, so if you find one that you like, please let me know about it.
With the combination of all these tips, there’s no reason why you can’t get fit without breaking the bank on a gym membership.
Are you resolving to get healthier this year? How are you planning on doing that?